Thursday, December 4, 2008

I will draw winners tomorrow!

There's still time to enter into my Giveaway below to win personalized tea towels OR a pair of Suzie Button handmade snowflakes! I will use the Random number generator to pick two winners. As I have four different sections with entries, I will just take the top number and continue to add the numbers up to the end of the entries!
I will be in contact info to get ahold of you and see what you'd like stitched on the dishtowels if you win those!
This will all happen when I wake up tomorrow, it's my day off, MY only day off every week, so I may, just may sleep in a bit (probably not, I wake up even when I don't want to!) Suzie


  1. You only have one day off!?!? How do you find time to do anything? I have enough trouble with two days off! Hope I win something.

  2. Suzie I just came over here via Life at Anns place. Would love to be put in for the drawing if I am not too late!!!
    Great blog- now I am off to read some more of it!


  3. Cool give away stuff. Thanks for the opportunity to win.
