Saturday, September 26, 2009


Happy Pink Saturday, friends! I'm pretty excited to show you a few "pink" pictures of the musical of "Mary Poppins" that I saw last night at Music Hall here in Dallas...

Look at Mary's Pink dress AND Pink shoes, the costumes were wonderful!
The chimney sweep(s) performances were one of my favorites, but, of course, there's SO much to love from Mary Poppins!

Including Mary flying all the way through Music Hall to the very rafters!
The scenery was fantastic and the costumes gorgeous and the actors superb and talented!
Of course, we'll always love Julie Andrews and Dick Van Dyke first in our hearts...

If you have an opportunity to see the stage version of Mary Poppins, I highly recommend it!
Thanks to our host at Beverly's blog How Sweet the Sound and be sure to visit other Pink Saturday friends!
Here's a little YouTube of Mary Poppins with Julie Andrews and Dick Van Dyke for you today too...


  1. Happy Pink Saturday!

    Love Mary Poppins!

    ~ Gabriela ~

  2. Oh, what a wonderful play to see. I think my girls watched the video a gazillion times over the years. I love it too. We all could use a Mary Poppins in our life.

    Happy Pink Saturday, Karen

  3. Hi Suzie...I saw MP on Broadway & the colors of the costumes are so vibrant & magnificent. When Mary flies over the audience at the end I just couldn't help but cry!
    I was just the best wasn't it?
    Hope you are having a happy pink day!
    xo Tami

  4. Hi Susan! WONDERFUL post today!! I love the story Mary Poppins! LOVED the video too! Happy Pink Saturday, and hope you have a wonderful weekend! ~tina

  5. Lucky you! How fabulous! The costumes do look amazing. Happy PS!

  6. This is one of my favorite Disney movies! The music is fabulous. It sounds like the show was fantastic too, lucky you! Happy Pink Saturday and have a great weekend!

  7. Had to watch, such fun, great memories. thanks for the video. Happy Pink Saturday!

  8. Glad you had a great time with Mary Poppins! Happy Pink Saturday! (Mary Poppins is so happy isn't it?)

  9. Hey Suzie Button - I'd love to see Mary Poppins on stage. I've missed a bunch of good ones this year. You Dallas girls just are one big Par-tay! Sorry you had to cancel your craft night. It looked really cute.
    Are you going to PC in Wax next week. I'm not able to go since I spent it all in Ruidoso. Wish I was. waaa.
    Have a wonderful week :) Nancy

  10. Oh it's lovely Saturday with Suzie
    Suzie makes your heart so glad... to paraphrase.

    A lovely fun post. Happy Pink Saturday, sweetie!

  11. Lovely pink dress and Mary Poppins, what more can a girl ask for?

  12. One of my very favorite movies! I would love to see the stage show. I'll have to see if it is coming near me.
    Have a wonderful weekend Suzie!

  13. Seems all had a great time at this wonderful musical. You did really well on taking all the great shots of the play. Thanks for sharing as this will be the only way I will ever see it.

  14. How thrilling for you. I adore Mary Poppins. Now, I'm going to be singing this tune.

    Happy Pink Saturday, Suzie.

  15. Don't you wish we all have a little Mary Poppins?? Loved the photos and the video. Thank you for sharing..
    Happy Pinks and have a most lovely weekend.

  16. Hi Suzie
    My husband and I saw Mary Poppins in N.Y. on Broadway.... it was amazing to say the least.
    It was one of the best I have seen.
    Happy PS
    Love Claudie

  17. I really want to see this, I'm not even sure if this is still on in London... I'm off to look now!

    Glad you enjoyed it.

    Victoria xx

  18. you lucky duck! Mary Poppins has always been a favorite of mine. My Dad was a REAL chimney sweep when I was a girl and sometimes I went with him when he did the job.
    happy pink Saturday Suzie!
