Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Simple Elegance

Sometimes beauty isn’t complete when you first find it…

       As was the case with this silver lovely I found at

                          Girls Gone Junkin'       

asilver 002           All the elements were there, the scrolly handle and legs…

            Plus the vintage patina on the silver…

                But the inside had no bottom!

T hat’s ok, it’s a great price and I can fix  her up….

asilver 001              Now the simple elegance is beginning to shine through!

        Plus she’s just perfect to hold the shimmery flowers

                                           I’ve made…. asilver 005                                                                              Yes, simply elegant!


  1. Oh my gosh! That's simply wonderful! It amazes me how people like you can look beyond the rust and tarnish & alter an item to make it a new creation! Yes, it's simply elegant!
    Have a wonderful day!

    Live Creatively!

  2. I agree with peppermint--wonderful!

  3. Hi Suzie....I LOVE what you did with the shabby silver piece you bought from our have such an eye and really turned a simple,shabby piece in to something "Grand"!! Hope to see ya soon....Cathy
