Wednesday, March 4, 2009

I love Tutus, you too?!

I am not sure when tutu's became the epitome of CUTE, but tutu's are at the top of my list! Especially with only a month until my first grandchild, a girl, is due to be born! I've been trolling on Etsy looking for just the right one to purchase for those adorable newborn pictures, you know the ones, with the flower headband and the tutu showcasing an adorable sleeping ballerina baby!
This tutu pictured is just so beautiful! And the instructions for making your own is on Martha Stewart's website in video form!!
I just might have to tackle one of these when I catch up on my sewing!
Have a lovely day! Suzie

1 comment:

  1. Did you see my 2 cuties in theirs?? It was such fun to see them twirling and dancing around in them! They even wore them to chruch the next day :) toooo cute, good luck on your 'hunt' :)see you soon!
