Tuesday, March 17, 2009

A Tribute to a Great Dog...

I'm very sad this evening, we had to put down our beloved dog, Bailey. He had been going downhill really through all of last year, and couldn't get up off the floor anymore and lost bowel control and so we had to make a choice. I couldn't make the choice, my daughter had to help us to follow through, it's just too hard to say goodbye to such a great dog as Bailey was. Goodbye, my sweet dog.


  1. This is my first visit to you. I am in Jenn's egg swap also. My heart breaks for you. The same thing happened with our dog last May and I still think of her practically every day. There is nothing like a pet - especially a dog. Have you heard about the Rainbow Bridge? It is beautiful. We all need someone to help us through things like this. Bless your daughter.

  2. That is always so hard. I remember when we had to put our sheltie Shanti down. It has been nearly 7 years, but I still think of him.
