Friday, July 17, 2009

It's a Fashionable Pink Saturday!

Pink is a color of beauty, it brightens our days from grey...

To Beautiful!
PINK SKIES Pictures, Images and Photos
Imagine if there were only greys and blacks in your lives...
In your clothes to wear...

But dream of the Pink that will brighten up your outlook!
Green and Pink Balloon Dress Pictures, Images and Photos
Pink adds spice to all kinds of things in our lives!

Our homes are prettier in pink...

Flowers without color would be sad...

But look what happens when Pink enters the picture!
Pink Lily Pictures, Images and Photos
Little ones without color in their lives would be sad...

Little girls' pink tutus make us twirl with color happiness!
No matter how you dress up pink, it brings beauty into the world!
Happy PINK Saturday to you, and visit our favorite PINK host, Beverly at How Sweet the Sound to see all the beautiful pinks available today!
Pink. Pictures, Images and Photos


  1. Such a creative post! Too true - Pink does dress up the world! Pink Hugs this find Saturday! Patti

  2. What a creative post! The pink house looks like Minnie's house at Disneyland! Happy Pink Day!

  3. Very nice! And what a difference it makes :-) Now, maybe I'll dream of living in that house . . . but only in dreams LOL

  4. Very lovely pink post!
    Happy Pink Saturday!
    Mary :)

  5. Hi Suzie,
    Oh, how I love pink and I love that last photo! I would love to be sitting on that bench amidst all that pink bloomed splendor! Happy Pink Saturday!


  6. You took that picture from our Vermont summer sky, didn't you? Good thing I have Pink Saturday.

    And, a happy one to you!

  7. Hi Suzie,

    What a pretty pink post! I couldn't imagine my life without pink!


  8. Susan, what a lovely and creative post! Love the photos! That pink house is so cute!

    Hope you have a lovely Pink Saturday!


  9. Oh that tree and all those pink blossoms! What a spectacular sight!

    Happiest of Pink Saturdays to you!

  10. Suzie, what a delightful pink post! Here's hoping you will have an equally delightful Pink Saturday!


    Sheila :-)

  11. So very true..How dull without pinks and reds. Love them both..Happy Pink Saturday and have a lovely weekend.

  12. Lovely! Thanks so much for such a lovely post today. Cold and windy and a little rainy here today. I truly needed a little lift☺

    ♥Have a terrific Pink Saturday♥

    Wishing you and all those you love the best of weekends.

  13. Great post, Suzie! Happy Pink Saturday!

  14. Oh Suzie, this is so creative and original. Great Pink Saturday post. I love the way you compared the things one from the other. Great view. Thanks so much for sharing. Please pop over and say hi. I would love to have you visit. Country Hugs, Sherry

  15. This was so much fun. I love what you have done with the pictures. Color certainly brightens our world.

    Happy Pink Saturday.

  16. What a pretty pink post. We all need more pink in our lives! xoxo Nancy

  17. Love all those Pink things. Got a kick out of those Pink tutus. I remember those days.
    Joyce M

  18. What a great pink post! I seem to be meeting myself almost at the beginning of another PINK Saturday!! LOL Oh well, it's an ongoing pink adventure, right!?

    Have a great day,
