Friday, February 12, 2010

Succulent Strawberry Pink Saturday!

Hi Miss Beverly and Pink Saturday friends!
I want a decadent yet simplistic approach this lovely weekend to celebrate Valentine's Day as I have to work both today and tomorrow for quite a few hours, so I thought what is more decadent than dipped strawberries!
So please join me in my Strawberry Valentine's Day PaRtY!
1. Dipped strawberries in PINK Confectioner's Coating.
2. A Tuxedo dip of white chocolate and dark chocolate... YUM!
3. Vanilla Frosting and toasted coconut is decadent!
4. Start with sour cream and dip in brown sugar, SWEET!
5. Mixed combo nuts sit atop melted chocolate, UM-HMM!
6. Melted caramel (simplify=use caramel ice cream topping!)
7. Mix honey/lime juice then coat and add sugar and fresh mint- MOJITO!
8. Start with strawberry yogurt and add the crunch of granola and a bit of dried fruit!
9. Unusual- dip in Honey and then cracked black pepper!
10. Coat with Lemon Curd (ask grocer, they have it!) and then add curls of freshly shredded Lemon Peel!
Enjoy the L-O-V-E!!
Thanks for the Inspiration goes to Better Homes and Gardens


  1. Yummy! I love your blog! Thank you for sharing!

  2. haha laughing at your last post and drooling over this one! TWELVE inches of snow up there - Wow - that's crazy. And next week, who knows it could be 90! I'm so up for Paper Cowgirl this year - can't wait to see you. Happy Valentines Day Suzie Button! xoxo Nancy

  3. How many ways can I say yummmmm, and I will have at least two of each please..these look beautiful and so scrumptious. Happy Pinks and Happy Valentines Day...

  4. Happy Pink Valentines Day!

    I have to vote for the tuxedo version! Thanks for reminding me of this...maybe Mr. Romance will get some on Sunday! I love your little precious valentine!
    She's SO pretty!
    Thank-you for a fun Strawberry party post Miss Suzie!

    I love your pink page!

    kelee & oliver

  5. Mmmm! my mouth was drooling! I love your precious little Valentine. Have a Happy PS and Valentines Day!

  6. Happy Pink Saturday and Valentines Day Suzie.
    Yummy! Thank you for sharing.

  7. Suzie, this is as pretty as a picture! Thanks for inviting us.

    Happy Pink Saturday & Valentine's Day, too!


    Sheila :-)

  8. Yummy! Yur little Valentine is darling!

    Happy Valentines Day!

  9. What delightful treats! I adore strawberries in any form. I have to say, I've tried #4, sour cream and brown sugar, and it's to die for! Your little sweetie looks lovely in her Valentine finery. Have a great week! Hugs, Terri

  10. Ooooh! Mojito strawberries?!! I wouldn't mind trying THOSE!! What a fun post today! Happy Pink Saturday, and hope you have a very Happy Valentine's Day! ~tina

  11. Oh yum! Oh yum! I had plains strawberries for breakfast this morning. I think I might try one of those dips next! Have a wonderful valentine's weekend Suzie. I hope you get time to spend with your adorable valentine!

  12. Oooh! Droool! I'd have to go for Nos 2 and 6, and 9 sounds very intriguing too. Well, it would be my DUTY to try them all, really.

    Happy Pink Saturday, and Happy Valentine's Day tomorrow too!

  13. Oh give me the chocolate dipped one any day. All of them look like heaven.
    Love the post.
    Tin and sparkle

  14. I love strawberries, and these look awesome! You sure have a sweet lil valentine! Happy Pink Saturday!

    Back Porch Blessings,

  15. Thanks for coming by to visit. Always fun to see a neighbor. Love #5 for I'm a cashew freak!
    I have met several bloggers on a trip to Dallas last year. I need to see if they have found out about the Texas Blog List.
    Hope you come back soon and often.

  16. So glad you found my Texas Blogging Gals! Will get you on the next updated list.

    Come see me at my personal blog, too, real soon!

  17. Hi Suzie,

    Oh yeah! Thanks for the mouth watering visuals and what a perfect way to celebrate Valentine's Day! Hope you and you dear little angle have an extra special day this holiday and happy Pink Saturday!

    ~Kitty Kellie

  18. The strawberries look so good.
    Happy Valentine's To You !
    Happy Pink Saturday !!! and have a lovely
    new week.

  19. Happy Valentine's Day and don't work too hard. I have to work the whole weekend too!

  20. Yum --I couldn't resit having one..hope you made enough for all of us strawberry lovers. Beautiful Valentine post

  21. Oh, yum! I think I would like the pepper! Thanks so much for stopping by my blog. I have been meaning to ask you, since I have a lot of gathering to do, is it worth it to buy a single ruffler attachment? It looks so simple so just wondering if it really works.

    Happy Valentine's Day!

  22. Those are some delicious looking strawberries. And a charming little Valentine. She is so cute! Happy Belated Pink Sat.

