Saturday, February 27, 2010

Bloom, Flowers, Bloom!

I'm feelin' a BLOOM craze comin' on! I DO!
I started watching an adorable flower video over at Cosmo Cricket blog and it led to a whole
                                      F-L- -W-E-R Garden.
Oh, yes it did!
So begin with Cosmo Cricket...

I love the simple, but architectural building of her flower!
And then I JUST found...

Such a cute chicky with a funky beautiful flower over at Paper Trunk 
Just found her blog, love it already!
Now I must admit right here I own NO scalloped ciruclar punches, or ANY circle or square punches! NO! I've really never known what to do with them! NOW I KNOW!
Michaels crafts, I'm printin' off the coupon and I'll be there shortly!
There's so many adorable flowers out there! LOTS!
Next is another new blog for me Cupcakes Creations...

Now I'm supposed to be asleep RIGHT NOW because I have to get up early so no more chattin', ok?
I cannot caption the news tomorrow accurately if I'm sleepy 'cause I'm staying up blogging so...
I'm just posting a few more links to flower tutorials so we can all plant our Spring Flowers, ok?

And you can find the links to all kinds of flower gals over at the YouTube pages, ok?

Dryer sheet flowers, I feel SO Green!
One more, that's IT, Oh, geez it's ALMOST morning already!     Just kidding!

Oh, the world of flowers is just BLOOMIN' in my brain!
Go ahead, sit down, and watch to your heart's delight and BLOOM too!
Love and Kisses on a Sunday to my blog gal-friends!


  1. Hello, friend,
    I am so ready for spring, and these cute flower creations are making me long for it even more. We had a beautiful day here in Central Texas. I loved it!! Thank you for sharing the flower tutorial! Have a wonderful weekend! Vicki

  2. Hi, Suzie! Thanks for posting these! I watched the first one. Fun! ♥

  3. Thank you so much for these, Suzie!!!
