Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Spring Color!

 was driving down the street in my neighborhood this morning thinking BLAH! Blah, blah, blah! The houses look boring, the ground is brown and lifeless, nothing is pretty, it's all just grey in the skies and monotone around me. To cheer myself up a bit, I took a swig of my Americano from Starbucks.
That usually does the trick to pick me up! (Can you tell I'm addicted to caffeine?! Ha!)
Well, I have something even better than caffeine to color your world, to beat out the blahs of winter...
A colorful, warm, wonderful E-zine and Swap too over at

Have you met Cassandra yet from this blog?
She's truly talented and I know this will be a fun and worthwhile craft e-zine!
It starts March 2, and here's a little preview of the fun to come...

Do you NEED more to kickstart your Spring flowers in the garden?
Well, I also have another fun, easy-to-finish Easter Swap...

It involves two little yogurt cups and sweet Easter goodies!
Simple is good!
I know I can beat these days when the winter brown blahs hit, I can!


  1. Hey You !! :) Please send me your info for the swap, I need Name, Blog Name, Email, Address and Favorite Colors to sweetnshabbyroses@yahoo.com Glad you are joining !!! :)



  2. I can't wait to decorate for Easter, such cheerful colours. It's so dark and grey in the UK at the moment!

    Victoria xx

  3. Oooh! Ooh I want to play! I wonder if it is too late. I am headed over to see.

    I LOVE your new blog header.

  4. Hey Suzie! Thanks for stopping my blog. Just so you know, I will ship the prize anywhere in the world. Makes things more fun, than just sticking to my own country.
    I love the pic of your mom! Looking forward to reading more of your blog. Have a great day.

  5. Thank you so much for visiting me...your blog is so lovely. Don't feel bad I do not have a green thumb either...Outside is ok..it is the indoor plants I forget to water. xo
