I love thrifting, I know you do too! Recently my daughter Megan's REALLY caught the thrifting, junk bug, mainly due to so many great ideas out in blogland that spark a project! Megan said early last week, Mom, we're going Friday morning right away to this thrift store I want to go to. So off we went. I didn't find much, but I DID find "Decorating JunkMarket Style" by Sue Whitney and Ki Nassauer, the Queens of Junking! How much? In perfect shape for $1.96!

I wanted to do a two-part posting on some of my favorites in this thrifty book...

How about a bedstand made out of a metal music stand?! Cool!
I've always wanted to make something out of those old rulers!

What is this? A vintage string holder!

Yes, you're right, it's graters!

Look what you can do with a car's rearview mirror!

Candles in cool presentations like these are all the rage...

Can you see what the repurposed junk is in this kitchen?

Yes, it's a vintage ceiling light fixture! Love it!

More cool on the way!

I have seen larger versions of these metal laundry baskets at the flea market before, isn't this just clever?!

And I'll end today on this lovely, which actually I have almost the same pieces to replicate, so this is on the "list" for me to try!

Fun, isn't it? I'll do part two of Junkin' fun in a couple days, please come back!
Have a great week!