It felt like a summer day today, it's midafternoon and the grandbaby is over and a little fussy, but cute (of course), I am pondering my afternoon shows to caption and on a break, and my 20 year old needs to have college classes begin or find a part time job with more hours (ha!) so we're just sitting around slightly bored, and Katie first shows off my vintage tiara I have and then we convince her to entertain us a bit by trying on some of the vintage gowns I've bought for my dress forms over the last year...
So Katie runs to the closet and emerges first in this beauty...

Notice how her, well, boobs, don't quite fit right into the dress? Well, it's because who really can FIT into these dresses?!! Was everyone a size 0 back then?!! And Katie's tiny! Here she is trying to figure out how to get the zipper up...

Oh, well, Katie will serenade us anyways with a ballad...

Oh, well, let's try another dress, Megan and Mom seemed to enjoy the first one, what else is there to do?!
This time I'll (force) Cody to play too! Doesn't he look like he wants to?! Oh, and this one's just a bit too tight too to zip! Golly!
Cody says, can't we all just have an afternoon siesta instead of these girly games?!

Uh, oh, baby Madison is crying again! Maybe she needs a diaper change, Aunt katie will do it, kind of like Cinderella in the ballgown, doing house chores, isn't it?

Are you SERIOUSLY laughing behind me and taking pictures of my behind?!

Yes, we are laughing and taking behind pictures, Katie!
Who's the happy girl now?! Madison is!

We love Katie and Madison entertaining our pre-summer afternoon!

Have a great Friday, friends! Suzie Button