Sunday, June 27, 2010
Suzie Button went M.I.A. in a Cowgirl Town!
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
A gift for Yarning!
I do have a quick replacement quirky post though instead! I captioned a story a few weeks ago out of Canada on what are called "Yarnbombers" Well I had never heard of this, so it caught my eye!
I mean, how could it not when there was this KNITTED BUS!
Friday, June 18, 2010
Pink Saturday plus a bit more!
Hi, Friends! How are your summer PINK SATURDAY'S going so far? I know I’m enjoying summer but I feel busier than ever, no doubt!
Today I wanted to share some artwork I have…
Don’t we all love Mary Engelbreit?!! My friend Gail gave me these ME pictures a long time ago and they hang in my office and I just love them…
Aren’t they just perfect in their pink frames?!
I also had made a little collage from ME’s paper dolls (I so miss the magazine!)
And just recently I decided to go ahead and purchase some artwork that I’ve
always wanted from artists Jenny Heid and Aaron Nieradha from
Yes, WOO, WOO! Hooray for Cake!!!!
And there’s more!
YES, Sweet indeed! Love it, it looks great on the turquoise walls!
Then today is also the HUGE My Desert Cottage Where Bloggers Create Party
and I signed up a long time ago and thought I would have enough time to get my room put together, because I am turning another bedroom into a new craft room for moi, instead of the
chaotic cluttered craft/office I have now, but, sadly, this is as far as my new room is as of today..
Yes, empty awaiting the new wood laminate my son and husband are
going to install tomorrow. Let’s make this a positive though!
At least i’ll have HUNDREDS of fantastic rooms to gather ideas from
with the blog party, right?!!
So just one more picture to share today and, of course, it’s my favorite subject, my Grandbaby
Madison, this time with her BFF, Kaylee. (Kaylee is the gorgeous baby too with those big blue eyes kissing my sweet Madison!) Aren’t they both just sugar?!!!
Have a great weekend Pink Saturday friends and all the Where Women Create bloggers!
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
So me
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
So I'm skipping Tool Tuesday today, and I may be a bit behind in posting until I can catch my breath! I have at least one cute post in my brain that I'm wishing to share, but things are just too crazy around here at the moment!
To at least give you something while I am busy, I know this cute picture will catch your attention...
Friday, June 11, 2010
Just lovin' the Grandma days!
Friday's are my favorite day of the week, it's Grandma day! I love nothing more than spending my whole day with my grandbaby Madison!
Today was off to watch her in her first week ever of swim classes with her mommy and another of her friends. It was a walk down memory lane of all the swim classes my children participated in, and back then I was a swim teacher at the YMCA! This was a LONG time ago, ha!
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Too Too (Cute) Tool Tuesday!
Good morning, friends! Today's tools aren't fancy, but they sure can make pretty!
I've been furiously crafting as much as I can, because I've (overcommitted) myself in the swap department for the Paper Cowgirl Art Retreat, and time is a-tickin' down to June 24th when we first get together to have the swap portion and I don't want to be cursing on the 23rd 'cause I'm not finished!
I'm using my wonderfully large clear rulers to help guide me on cutting...
Please Link Up and share your goodies!
Monday, June 7, 2010
Tummy Happiness!
I found this Paula Deen Mexican Black Bean Lasagna from her magazine, but online at this link too!
Friday, June 4, 2010
Welcome Pink Saturday!
Today I thought I’d share some of the pretty vintage goodies I’ve purchased lately to add to my collections…
First I’ll start with this gorgeous vintage candy box, it was found on Ebay and came from a home in Canada!
Next IS a collectible for me, vintage bloomer girls! I found some very pretty ones lately on Ebay!
Next is a vintage children’s book, these catch my eyes nowadays because i have sweet grandbaby Madison, and she’s brought the love of vintage children’s goodies back into my life!