Sunday, June 27, 2010

Suzie Button went M.I.A. in a Cowgirl Town!

It was crazy! It was fun! Creative! A blast! There were cowgirls everywhere, bloggers to boot and lots and LOTS of glitter and paper! It was my fun few days at Paper Cowgirl Art Retreat !
I am dying to show you the different projects and goodies I made and
saw and all the talent of the different gals there!
I can't go in order, I am starting with just the first glittery pictures that
grabbed my eye when downloading to the computer!
It also happened to be my first class on Saturday morning,

Yes, Marie A. is really a Mermaid! EEK!
Dale is a beautiful blogger, as is her lovely daughter plus
they are just so PINK and creative!
Here I am, Miss Cowgirl Suzie Button with them...

It was so organized and just sitting so pretty at our seats when we arrived, and, YES, I wore the crown every minute of the retreat AND on the drive home too!

Dale's crown was too pretty to pass up a close-up!

Now to a few of my classmates' creations as they made their beauties...

Isn't it pretty?! This is a cowgirl that has a Mermaid named blog but I'm going
BLANK tonight! I'm sure it will come to me in a bit! But she's SO talented!
It came to me in the shower that this was The Gypsy Mermaid, Sarah !
I knew I'd figure it out!
And another gorgeous mermaid below...

The pretty never ends...

This is Susan Skinner and her daughter came to craft with her!
What fun to have a mother/daughter weekend of crafting!

And this is Leisl and she too knew how to create a scene of watery, shimmery beauty!
What a fun class, and that was just the tip of the iceberg!
There are queen sashes and vintage hats and flowers and books and all kinds of
FUN to share, but we'll end for today!
I probably won't share again until the second week of July.
I'm getting away for another little bit of summer fun, but I'll share more as soon as I return!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

A gift for Yarning!

I'm still not able to catch up to myself around here as I'm on the tail end of my swaps for the Paper Cowgirl Art Retreat and it's this Thursday! So please excuse me again for skipping Tool Tuesday, no time to organize taking pictures, etc...
I do have a quick replacement quirky post though instead! I captioned a story a few weeks ago out of Canada on what are called "Yarnbombers" Well I had never heard of this, so it caught my eye!
I mean, how could it not when there was this KNITTED BUS!
Now this is the epitome of turning UGLY into BEAUTIFUL!
I love the term "yarnbomber" too!
I am not sure if this phenomonen is just in Canada?

What a wonderful concept though to turn the ugly in our everyday lives into pretty!
Hey, we could all maybe use a little of this on the INSIDE of ourselves too, don't you agree?
A tree is just a tree until..

Ok, so there are books on this too!
I now want to become a knitter!

One day soon here I will catch up and be back on track
but in the meantime, enjoy the beauty of creativity!

Friday, June 18, 2010

Pink Saturday plus a bit more!

Hi, Friends! How are your summer PINK SATURDAY'S going so far? I know I’m enjoying summer but I feel busier than ever, no doubt!

Today I wanted to share some artwork I have…

Don’t we all love Mary Engelbreit?!! My friend Gail gave me these ME pictures a long time ago and they hang in my office and I just love them…

aeatcake 005                                                        Aren’t they just perfect in their pink frames?!

                   I also had made a little collage from ME’s paper dolls (I so miss the magazine!)

aeatcake 008                  And just recently I decided to go ahead and purchase some artwork that I’ve

                                    always wanted from artists Jenny Heid and Aaron Nieradha from

                                                                         Everyday is a Holiday

aeatcake 011                                               Yes, WOO, WOO! Hooray for Cake!!!!

                                                                  And there’s more!

aeatcake 013                               YES, Sweet indeed! Love it, it looks great on the turquoise walls!

Then today is also the HUGE My Desert Cottage Where Bloggers Create Party

and I signed up a long time ago and thought I would have enough time to get my room put together, because I am turning another bedroom into a new craft room for moi, instead of the

chaotic cluttered craft/office I have now, but, sadly, this is as far as my new room is as of today..

aroom 003

                           Yes, empty awaiting the new wood laminate my son and husband are

                                          going to install tomorrow. Let’s make this a positive though!

                                   At least i’ll have HUNDREDS of fantastic rooms to gather ideas from

                                                                       with the blog party, right?!!

So just one more picture to share today and, of course, it’s my favorite subject, my Grandbaby

Madison, this time with her BFF, Kaylee. (Kaylee is the gorgeous baby too with those big blue eyes kissing my sweet Madison!) Aren’t they both just sugar?!!!

aeatcakee        Have a great weekend Pink Saturday friends and all the Where Women Create bloggers! 

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

So me

I saw this fantastic print from Etsy Store Orange Studio ...
And knew I had to have it as this IS me!
Yesterday, my husband (snuck out when I wasn't looking) in my car to go to work
and left me stranded (as his car was in the shop)
and the only thing that made me SCREAM was I had NO COFFEE!!!
Yes, I am lucky to live a couple blocks from a Tom Thumb grocery store that has a
Starbucks in it...
and YES I am willing to walk even if I have to to get my Americano!
Just straight espresso and hot water
ok, I do put cream in it! He,he!
What a cute artist is Orange Studio...
I love this one too....

I'm thinking how cute this would be for my grandbaby's room...
There, of course, is also a wonderful blog to go along with this artist
And she has a cute freebie on her posting today!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010


Friends, I'm hitting the wall this week, I've too many work hours in my week and very few precious free hours and in those free hours I'm not cleaning the house or making dinner, no, I'm crafting furiously to finish up my swap items for the Paper Cowgirl Art Retreat upcoming very soon!
So I'm skipping Tool Tuesday today, and I may be a bit behind in posting until I can catch my breath! I have at least one cute post in my brain that I'm wishing to share, but things are just too crazy around here at the moment!
To at least give you something while I am busy, I know this cute picture will catch your attention...
If you've been to this blog you may recognize it,
otherwise I highly recommend visiting this cute blog
I shall return as soon as possible!

Friday, June 11, 2010

Just lovin' the Grandma days!

Hi Friends! I've meant to post more this week, but work just took and swept my week away!
Friday's are my favorite day of the week, it's Grandma day! I love nothing more than spending my whole day with my grandbaby Madison!
Today was off to watch her in her first week ever of swim classes with her mommy and another of her friends. It was a walk down memory lane of all the swim classes my children participated in, and back then I was a swim teacher at the YMCA! This was a LONG time ago, ha!
Madison seemed to get the hang of it, but the water was a little chilly...

We were thinking her lips even looked a little bit blue when she got out!
Then off to lunch and back to the pool to play with her little friend this afternoon
I think now it's time for a nap!
Here's the Mommy friends and the baby friends!
What a fun way to kick off the summer!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Too Too (Cute) Tool Tuesday!

Good morning, friends! Today's tools aren't fancy, but they sure can make pretty!
I've been furiously crafting as much as I can, because I've (overcommitted) myself in the swap department for the Paper Cowgirl Art Retreat, and time is a-tickin' down to June 24th when we first get together to have the swap portion and I don't want to be cursing on the 23rd 'cause I'm not finished!
I'm using my wonderfully large clear rulers to help guide me on cutting...
and measuring down to size...

And after a lot of cutting...

Now, I'm trying to create up to 16 flowers!
The directions called for glue and clamping each petal
I need to finish, hot glue is easier, works, and if you're not sloppy was/is the best
solution to get 'er done!

Just a couple more views of these beauties...

The "Paris" piece is actually from Holland! We found the cutest bead store when we were there in 2007,
and i need to share because obviously I'm never going to use these pieces up and my craft room is overflowing!

Do you want to know how to make these too?
It's YOUR turn to show me your tools!

Please Link Up and share your goodies!

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Monday, June 7, 2010

Tummy Happiness!

I'm in a cooking mood today, but NOT for the complicated long drawn out recipe. I need an easy Summer recipe and dessert, don't you agree?!
I found this Paula Deen Mexican Black Bean Lasagna from her magazine, but online at this link too!
Aren't the colors just so bright and Summery?!!

I had a little bit of the veggie hamburger in the freezer...

If you haven't tried this, DO! It's REALLY good and Healthy for you!
Next I mixed up the sour cream and ricotta and cumin...

Then you layer corn tortillas, creme sauce, veggies and shredded Mexican Cheese...

This casserole dish is an heirloom to me, it was my Mother's...
You cook at 375 degrees for 20 minutes after you get done with layering...

Then I had some strawberries that needed to be used today...
slice them up...

And whip up heavy cream.
Is there anything prettier in a picture than whipped heavy cream?!!!

Can I show you too my beautiful Blue Ridge platter I'm going to serve dessert on?!

I Love the ease of store bought crepes, PERFECT from the package!

Fill the crepes and roll up, so pretty!

Ok, I shouldn't show you, but if you know me, you know I LOVE my English Springer Spaniels and
well, they love a treat too once in a while...

Ollie on your left and Cody on the right, it's a contest to clean off the beater!
THIS is why they love Mama, but, NO, they don't eat things like this all the time
but the dessert was fancy so they deserve a taste, don't you agree?
Please join me tomorrow for Tool Tuesday and show me what you're making by linking up!
See ya on Tuesday!

Friday, June 4, 2010

Welcome Pink Saturday!

I always look forward to Pink Saturday with all the pretty pinks out in blogland!
Today I thought I’d share some of the pretty vintage goodies I’ve purchased lately to add to my collections…
First I’ll start with this gorgeous vintage candy box, it was found on Ebay and came from a home in Canada!
Picnik collage1I don’t really collect vintage candy boxes, but the beautiful sheen of the box and the ribbon caught my eye! Isn’t she pretty?!!
Next IS a collectible for me, vintage bloomer girls! I found some very pretty ones lately on Ebay!
Picnik collage2  My favorite is the largest picture on the right. I’m a sucker for the crazing and the chunky lace on her skirt and look at that expression! Though I love them all and enjoy gazing at them within the whole collection!
Next is a vintage children’s book, these catch my eyes nowadays because i have sweet grandbaby Madison, and she’s brought the love of vintage children’s goodies back into my life!
Picnik collage3                                       The images are so cute I have to share more with you!
Picnik collage Please also visit my Pink Saturday friend Sara at Sara's Fave Photos She has a gorgeous post for this Pink Saturday!
Picnik collage5